Thursday, February 17, 2011


Our invitro journey is now in the dreaded 2 week wait!  Before I began telling you how yesterday went, Wednesday.  I have to take you back to every phone call that was made.  So, on Sat, the day after our egg retrieval, our IVF nurse calls and tells us out of the 29 follicles, they were able to work with 24 of them.  Meaning those eggs were of good size.  Each egg was injected with my husband's sperm.  This is a process called ICSI (icksee).  Trust me----Again, NOT my "Perfect Plan" of how we would conceive our next baby, but oh well.  You take what you can get!  Right?  Out of those 24--16 fertilized.  So at this point we are working with 16!  This was the information we found out on Monday.  From this stage is when the cells begin dividing and those that continue to divide will be genetic tested.  The #'s, at this point, were so positive our apt for a transfer was made, because odds are we would have something (all we want is 2) to be transferred.
Well on our way up to Cincinnati, our Nurse calls us with the genetic report.  We have 10!  10 embryos so far, had continued dividing.
Before we begin with the transfer, Dr Michael Scheiber informs us of more positive news.  He educates us on the cell division stage called "blastocyst'.  This is when the cells have divided hundreds and hundreds of times, and he described ours being at the last stage that can sustain outside the human body. He tells us, not every couple achieves this stage in the process and we are very blessed because we have 4 embryos that achieved this stage and we have more dividing!
A blastocyst is a highly developed embryo that has divided many times to a point where it is nearly ready to implant on the walls of the uterus. A blastocyst has come a long way from its beginning as a single cell

 Pics of our 2 embryos at the blastocyst stage!  And a Petri dish where the Action Happened!  Simply Amazing and so taken for granted!  You can see "hatching" (the smaller bubble outside the circle)--that means they are ready to implant!!!

   So we transferred 2 and we had 2 frozen.  I have to say it was Painless, and very quick <15 min :) We were told we have over a 50% chance of being preggers at this point because our lil embryos have made it so far within the process!  We will have to wait 2 weeks!
I took off work today, to rest and really try to think positive thoughts!  I received a call this morning and the it was our Nurse!  She said we had 2 more to make it to the blastocyst stage, and asking me if we wanted to freeze!  Absolutely!  So now in basic terms....We have 2 in the OVEN and 4 in the FRIDGE!  Going to be a loooong 2 weeks!
Here is more info on blastocyst and I'm including the link of my AMazing Doctor!

Thanks for praying for us and hoping to share "xtra" good news with you soon!

Some HAPPY until next time!




  1. I am so excited for you guys!! Thank you so much for sharing! I will continue to send up many prayers for you guys!! :) ~ Renee`

  2. Welcome to the blog world...I can't wait to follow your journey!

  3. You, Miss Christy, are AWESOME! I LOVe reading about your Xtra Perfect positive outlook!! Thank you for sharing!!

  4. Christy, I'm dropping by from Brit's blog and have so enjoy browsing your blog. I was thrilled to see that you are a fan of "Enjoying The Small Things." It is such an inspiring blog about DS children. Hoping you hear good news shortly and bountiful blessings to you.

  5. Hi there, I'm a new follower. Can't wait to keep up with your wonderful journey! Colt is such a handsome little guy!

  6. Came across your blog last night ... I have two babes with DS and am an IVF mom too. :) Just emailed ya ...
