Saturday, February 12, 2011

A New Journey......

Since this is my first post, you will have to stop and read "About this blog" so you will know what exactly is going on with me.  This blog is a work in progress so bare with me!  I can't spell and I know I don't use correct grammar, but, I'll try!
Well, eventually, in the (Invitro Journey tab) I will go into detail about the physical and emotions going through invitro (IVF).  It honestly hasn't been that bad.  Which I have been so busy taking care of Colt, taking care of 2 dogs, housework, and trying to keep my head above water with work (if that is possible)!  Matt and I always said once we have children, we want them close in age.  Some people think we are crazy!  I don't!  We have friends that have twins, triplets, 17 months apart and 5-7 years apart.  They all do a fantastic job of managing daily activites.  I think whatever happens is what is best for you!  We are all different and love to share our opinions!  No one is right or wrong.  You may want to share because you may feel your experience is simply the best.. You know no other way for life to be, so we share!  Well--I'm 33, going on 34 this year and it took us 3 years to get Colt, so we are in the process of another.  I say I want a total of 4, but Matt will say 3 is the limit! Again, I'm trying to plan, but I guess we will see.
We have been so very blessed to have the love and support from our families and friends that it just feels right to have another so close.  Plus, I have to brag!  My baby has slept through the night since he was 4 weeks old and my labor and delivery was super easy!  My husband is great at taking care of C.  There are times when I'm gone for days, sometimes a week for work and we just do it.
I think that is what you do. You know no other way of life.  You learn to adjust to whatever situation and that becomes your routine.  I crack up when people say "Oh, I couldn't have another little one, it's just too much"!  Well, your situation is different from mine, and I want my little ones all running around at the same time!  It will be all that I know to do, plus we already have every single thing we need.  Colt has gotten so much stuff, he hasn't even used half of it.  Why not just get use out of everything.  If you wait too long, everything is outdated!  Oh well--just again, my opinion!  We all have our different logic's of why we do the things we do.
Today was Egg Retrieval for us!  Long story short, I've been taking injections since Jan 28th.  (If you are interested in my treatment regimen and all that stuff, just contact me.)  We have been patiently waiting for my follicles to mature.  Mature, means within a size that will sustain conception.  We needed a lot because we are going through PGD (genetic testing) as well.  So the embryos have to reach a certain cell division called blastocyst in order to be tested and then transferred back to me hopefully on Wednesday!   WE had Good news today --- we had 29 Mature follicles!  The more we have the higher our chances!   I find out tomorrow how many actually fertilized, so we will see.
No matter the outcome of this journey, I know there is a reason!  It amazes me how anybody can get pregnant so easily.  Every tiny detail has got to go just right, be the correct size, the exact amount and timing!   It makes me appreciate even more how we conceived Colt on our own!   So after sharing some GOOD news with my very BF this week.  She replies this............
.....So the Lord said, "If you have faith as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, 'Be pulled up by the roots and be planted in the sea,' and it would obey you." (Luke 17:6)  

She knows me waaay to well----EXACTLY WHAT I NEEDED TO HEAR AND BE REMINDED OF :)


  1. I have eagerly awaited the beginning of your blog! After reading your first entry, so many thoughts and memories of you and Matt came to mind! If anyone deserves that "xtra" perfect life, it is you and Matt and your beloved families.

    Love and prayers, always.


  2. I LOVE the blog! Adding your button to my blog now! =)

  3. I am so happy for you and am so glad that you are blogging about your journey! My husband's sister has DS and is 35 years old, works at a workshop, reads books, and LOVES her family. My mother-in-law wrote a journal when she had Linda and said that she was so glad that she did. You will be so glad that you wrote about the good, the bad, the joys and triumphs, so that you can reach out to others. If you need anything, please don't hesitate to ask! He's a precious little boy!

  4. I love the blog! I am going to add you to my blog list on "thecolemanbuzz". Your story is very inspirational. I have a cousin with DS and she is just perfect as well. We walk in the Buddy Walk every year in "Ava's Parade". God does not make mistakes :)
